"Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us and makes us members of Christ's body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of heaven" -- The Book of Common Prayer,
pg 858
In the Episcopal Church, baptism is a community celebration as we welcome the newest member to the family of faith. At Grace and St. Stephen's we celebrate baptism five times each year. In 2025, the dates for baptism are
Baptism of our Lord (January 12, 2025)
Easter Vigil (April 19, 2025)
Pentecost (June 7, 2025)
The Feast of St. Stephen (observed) (TBC))
All Saints Day (November 2, 2025)
For more information, please contact the office at office@gssepiscopal.org
If you have a child to be baptized or are an adult seeking baptism, please complete the form here.