We appreciate that not everyone who enters our doors is an Episcopalian, or even a Christian. While others who visit may be life-long Episcopalians new to town. Whatever your spiritual journey, Grace and St. Stephen’s invites you to join us, as members of the universal body of Christ.
As members, we are called to help build up Christ’s church through regular worship, a commitment to live a life of faith, and being good stewards who "work, pray and give" to the church for the spread of the Kingdom of God throughout the world. By accepting his invitation to enter into a more meaningful relationship with God and a deeper understanding of his grace, our lives are enriched and transformed.
We believe that the church is a Holy Communion of Saints, in heaven and on earth. Each Sunday, we gather "with angels, archangels and all the company of heaven" to offer our life and labor to the Lord and enter into holy communion with God and one another. We hope that you will decide to make the commitment of being a member to fully experience God’s purpose for us, in fellowship with the other members of Grace and St. Stephen’s.
The baptismal covenant made to God and our fellow Christians, establishes the framework for how we live out our lives, and is the foundation of membership in the life of Christ at Grace and St. Stephen’s.
If you have been baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we welcome you and invite you to share your life in Christ with us. If you are a member of a religious communion that is not part of or affiliated with the Episcopal Church, you may want to seek reception into the Episcopal Church.
Grace and St. Stephen's offers an adult formation class that
prepares adults for confirmation, reception* or reaffirmation** in advance of Regional Confirmation (held one time a year when the Bishop of Colorado visits the region). These classes are for any adult who wants to be confirmed, received or reaffirmed in the Episcopal Church, any confirmed Episcopalian who wishes to learn the basics of our faith tradition, and for anyone who simply wants to find out more about what we believe. For information on timing, please contact the office by email at
office@gssepiscopal.org or phone (719) 328-1125.
*Those confirmed by a Bishop in another Christian denomination may be received by an Episcopal Bishop in a worship service.
** Those who have been confirmed or received in the Episcopal church, but have been away for some time, may want to reaffirm their faith in a worship service
For more information about these programs or to transfer you membership from another Episcopal Church, please contact
Susan Bassett, communications director