4:30 pm: Christmas Pageant*
The children help tell the timeless story of the birth of Jesus.
This service will be live-streamed to the usual Facebook channels
(see below for details)
7 pm Holy Eucharist (pre-service music begins at 6:30 pm)*
Celebrate the Feast of the Nativity at this joyous service, rich in timeless Christmas beauty.
This service will be live-streamed to the usual Facebook channels
(see below for details)
11 pm: Holy Eucharist (pre-service music at 10:30 pm)**
In the stillness of the holy night, celebrate the birth of Christ during a High Choral Mass.
*nursery available
** incense present
Click here to join us on the Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Page (group membership not required) on Facebook for the 4:30 pm Pageant and 7 pm Christmas Eve Eucharist, the 10 am Christmas Day Eucharist.
10 am Holy Eucharist
Please contact office@gssepiscopal.org with your questions and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We're located at: 601-631 N Tejon St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903